Find The Gap!
Making Data-Driven IEP Decisions Using CLASS
Webinar Details
Join Us Online:
Thursday, May 5, 2016
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM MST
Join On Location
The Board Room
Phoenix Elementary District #1
1817 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Phone: 602-257-3755
Our guest speaker Kim Peaslee will be on location with a live stream of the webinar for anyone that would like to join in person.
- Hilary MyersDirector of CLASS
Hilary started her Special Education career at the Lab School of Washington, eventually coming home to Texas to work for CLASS as Sales, Trainer, President and head bottle washer. For 20+ years, she has helped CLASS bring assessment and education solutions to educators across the country.
Darren JohnsonSEAS EducationDarren D. Johnson, Executive Vice President of Sales, has extensive experience in solving needs in the K12 special education industry, since joining SEAS Education in 1993.
Nancy Deleki
National Medicaid School Based Claiming Consultant for SEAS Education
Nancy was a Special Education Director in Arizona districts for 25 years. She also worked with the Department of Education on Compliance Issues and Parent Complaint Issues. Since 2002 she’s worked with Arizona medicaid programs serving schools all over the state.
Kim PeasleeSpecial Education Compliance Coordinator,
Phoenix Elementary School District #1In addition to her current position, for over 40 years Kim has served as a Director of Special Education, principal, and a special education teacher including students with moderate to severe disabilities in Arizona schools. She has served on Department of Education certification and rules committees and is a former member of SEAP.
The DOE letter released in November 2015 is the most recent clarification of IEP development that schools have received in years This letter understandably caused some anxiety among school district officials. Clearly a dichotomy exists between the fact that IEPs have to simultaneously address the child’s present levels of academic achievement and that IEP goals must be aligned with grade-level standards (with the exception of children with the most significant cognitive disabilities).
Does this now task our teachers with being vertical curricula experts in all areas?
Finding and filling achievement gaps.
Pinpointing a student’s strengths and needs in order to create state-aligned objectives for an IEP can be tricky. Educators can’t be expected to become subject-matter experts in all areas in order to build appropriate IEPs. This is especially true in areas outside of academic instruction. How do we assess for ELL, Section 504, early childhood, behavior and transition plans, or our most severely involved Autism and Asperger children? Plus, all of these considerations must be data-driven and associated to the Common Core. How can educators realistically do all of this? We want to show you!
Join us and meet CLASS!
Join our free webinar and see how CLASS saves time and energy creating functioning level assessments and building data-driven IEPs with which we can show progress. Here’s what you can expect to hear and see:
- A brief discussion about the DOE standards letter and what that letter means for your district and your IEPs.
- Nancy and Kim will discuss the concerns that are shared in Arizona and how CLASS can help with IEP challenges.
- How to build and administer an assessment in all areas in which you write IEPs.
- How to use the the skills-based gap task analysis in CLASS to consistently build IEPs that are clinically correct and legally defensible.
Register Now
Even if you can’t attend live you should still register! We’ll be sending out information and recordings after the webinar to all registrants.
CLASS is a proud finalist of the 2016 EdTech Digest Cool Tool Award for Best Assessment Tool!