Attain Plan Packs
Achieve Plan Packs
Available Plan Packs
Available Plan Packs
IEP – Individualized Education Program
Writing consistent and accurate IEPs across your entire district can be a challenge. Attain simplifies IEP creation and management by providing educators with compliant form data that fulfills your individual district and state regulations. With the IEP Plan Pack, there’s no need to change your procedures to fit new software. The IEP Plan Pack for Attain includes:
- An easy to use to interface to swiftly add Goal Pages, record progress and enter updates for any student
- Custom Goals and Objectives banks, as well as a Goal development wizard
- Multiple pre-built reports, plus a custom reporting component allowing your district to design and create their own reports
IEP – Individualized Education Program
Writing consistent and accurate IEPs across your entire district can be a challenge. Achieve simplifies IEP creation and management by providing educators with compliant form data that fulfills your individual district and state regulations. With the IEP Plan Pack, there’s no need to change your procedures to fit new software. We can customized to match your district’s current form fill-out process using district and state forms. The IEP Plan Pack for Achieve includes:
- An easy to use to interface to swiftly add Goal Pages, record progress and enter updates for any student
- Custom Goals and Objectives banks, as well as a Goal development wizard
- Multiple pre-built reports, plus a custom reporting component allowing your district to design and create their own reports
ELL – English Language Learner
The number of English Language learners in American schools has more than doubled over the past 20 years. All schools have an obligation under federal law to ensure that ELL students have equal access to a high quality education and the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential. Attain’s ELL Plan Pack helps educators create, manage and track ELL student plans including:
- Academic Updates
- Alternative Language Program Placement Waiver
- Interpreter Translator Confidentiality Agreement
- Interpreter/Translator Request Log
- Notification of English as Second Language Program Exit
ELL – English Language Learner
The number of English Language learners in American schools has more than doubled over the past 20 years. All schools have an obligation under federal law to ensure that ELL students have equal access to a high quality education and the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential. Achieve’s ELL Plan Pack helps educators create, manage and track ELL student plans including:
- Academic Updates
- Alternative Language Program Placement Waiver
- Interpreter Translator Confidentiality Agreement
- Interpreter/Translator Request Log
- Notification of English as Second Language Program Exit
RTI – Response to Intervention
Academic RTI:
RTI management is the key for early identification of students at risk of failing. Making the RTI process user-friendly and consistent across the district ultimately leads to student success. RTI plan management from SEAS includes:
- Assessments based on the industry leading CLASS student assessment solution
- Automation of documentation for the Tier 1- Universal Level, Tier 2- Supplemental Instruction, and Tier 3- Intensive and Individualized paperwork process
- Easy to create and share reporting on student monitoring and progress
RTI – Academic and Behavior
RTI (Response to Intervention) management is the key to identifying those students at risk of poor academic performance as early as possible. Making the RTI process easier for educators ultimately helps those students perform to their full abilities. RTI plan management from SEAS includes:
- Assessments based on the industry leading CLASS student assessment solution
- Automation of documentation for the Tier 1- Universal Level, Tier 2- Supplemental Instruction, and Tier 3- Intensive and Individualized paperwork process
- Easy to create and share reporting on student monitoring and progress
Behavior Plus
SEAS now offers Behavior Plus as an Optimized RTI Plan Pack to help educators create, manage and track behavior management plans. Behavior Plus automates the process of assessing, creating interventions and plans, tracking student progress and communicating with other teachers, parents and district administration.
Behavior Plus
SEAS now offers Behavior Plus as an Optimized RTI Plan Pack to help educators create, manage and track behavior management plans. Behavior Plus automates the process of assessing, creating interventions and plans, tracking student progress and communicating with other teachers, parents and district administration.
GTE – Gifted and Talented Education
Approximately six million students are currently classified as academically gifted and talented. SEAS GTE helps educators meet the needs of gifted students with the GTE Plan Pack that includes:
- Letter to parent regarding testing
- Permission for Placement
- GT Curriculum
GTE – Gifted and Talented
Three to six million students are currently classified as academically gifted and talented. SEAs GTE helps educators meet the needs of these students with the GTE Plan Pack that includes:
- Letter to parent regarding testing
- Permission for Placement
- GT Curriculum
Section 504
The number of students with 504 plans is growing every year. SEAS makes it easy to add 504 plans for students with over 30 OCR (Office of Civil Rights) compliant forms developed by Leasor Crass, PC. Forms include, but not limited to:
- Application for use of a service animal
- Due process hearing request
- Notice of evaluation results
Section 504
The number of students with 504 plans is growing every year. SEAS makes it easy to add 504 plans for students with over 30 OCR (Office of Civil Rights) compliant forms developed by Leasor Crass, PC. Examples of forms include:
- Application for use of a service animal
- Due process hearing request
- Notice of evaluation results