Every lesson is a new world to explore. With CLASS Online Assessments you can track your progress and route your journey. Whether in an RTI or IEP, the foundation of any educational plan is to identify student’s strengths and needs.
CLASS Online Assessments helps identify appropriate interventions and measurable goals for any student. Then CLASS automatically imports that data into your plan management platform. Pinpointing these specific learning targets for RTIs, IEPs, or any other education plan type helps teachers create a well-integrated system of instruction between General and Special Education.
CLASS Online Assessments is designed to work seamlessly with our plan management platform, Achieve 2.0. A single platform ensures greater consistency across schools, districts, and educational plans through the use of similar assessments, skill sequences, and total alignment to your state’s educational standards.
Since 1978, CLASS has been helping teachers guide their students on the right educational journey by pinpointing their students’ specific strengths and needs. Now you can do it faster and with greater ease online.
We’re here for you to answer any questions you may have about CLASS or SEAS Achieve 2.0.
To schedule a demo, contact your SEAS representative or email us at sales@www.seaseducation.com.
Check out this 1 minute video for more details about how CLASS Online Assessments work: