Henrico School District Receives Medicaid Reimbursements

District Receives Million Dollar Boost With Help From SEAS Reimbursement

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Read the entire article from the Richmond Times Dispatch here:
Henrico schools seeing budget influx after starting to bill Medicaid

Henrico County School District uses Reimbursement to bill for their Medicaid services, and now they are expecting to receive over $1 million in previously untapped funds for this school year.

The SEAS school district in Virginia shared with the Richmond Times Dispatch:

“When the Henrico County School Board decided it needed more money for behavior support positions, including psychologists, in the coming year’s budget, school officials turned to a new and growing revenue stream: Medicaid billing.”

Like many school districts, Henrico provides numerous therapy services to students as part of its regular operations. SEAS Reimbursement helps Henrico document these services so the billing team at the district can easily create billing paperwork to submit to the state Department of Medical Assistance Services. The state department in turn bills Medicaid, keeps some of the money as an administrative fee and sends the rest back to the district.

“The school system started Medicaid billing with the 2011-12 fiscal year, in which it received $97,779 in reimbursements. This year, it’s expecting to receive about $1.1 million.”

These amazing results would not be possible without the dedicated team and staff at Henrico. The district makes sure all their service providers record student services in the Reimbursement program, and district account managers work closely with the SEAS Reimbursement team to monitor progress and maximize their reimbursement dollars.

The surplus has given the School Board funding for “three psychologists, three school social workers, five part-time truancy officers and five part-time deans of students.”

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